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isA Event
Acronym TWOMDE 2008
Title First International Workshop on Transforming and Weaving Ontologies in Model Driven Engineering
Start date Sep 28, 2008
End date Sep 30, 2008
... ...


                    First International Workshop on
       Transforming and Weaving Ontologies in Model Driven Engineering


                            FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

             at the ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Model
             Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2008)


   * July   15, 2008:  Papers submission
   * August 15, 2008:  Author notification
   * August 30, 2008:  Submission of camera-ready papers
   * September 28-30, 2008: Workshop Date



Interest in integrating Ontologies and Software Engineering has gained more
attention with commercial and scientific initiatives, such as the OMG Ontology
Platform Special Interest Group (PSIG) and the W3C Software Engineering Task
Force (SETF).

Nevertheless, many questions come to light, as Model Driven Engineering (MDE)
spreads. Disciplines like model transformation and domain specific languages
become essential in order to support different kinds of models in a model
driven environment. Understanding the role of ontologies in these fields is
crucial to leverage the development of such disciplines. We highlight the
following open questions: How can the scientific and technical results around
ontologies, ontology languages and their corresponding reasoning technologies
be used fruitfully in Model Driven Engineering (MDE)? What is the role of
ontologies in supporting model transformation? How can ontologies improve
designing domain specific languages? Are current query languages able to query
both kinds of models?

Discussions about these and related questions will be supported by this
workshop. TWOMDE'08 aims at providing a forum for discussing the application of
different aspects of ontologies to enhance Model Driven Engineering.

The intended audience embraces members of the modeling community with
experience or interest in Model Driven Engineering and in Knowledge
Representation. Specifically, but not only, the participation of experts in
technologies related with UML, MOF, ATL, QVT, RDF or OWL is highly welcome.


  * Andreas Friesen (SAP).
  * Phil Tetlow (IBM).


Topics of interest are but not exclusive:

  * RDF metamodel repository: interfaces and models to store, retrieve, query
  and manage MOF/Ecore metadata in RDF stores.

  * Metamodeling support of semantic structures: improvements on metamodeling
  facilities for representing richer real-world semantics, like OWL or OWL2.

  * Reasoning over MOF-based models using ontologies: verification and
  validation of models using ontologies; application of Description Logics
  reasoning in UML diagrams or MOF/Ecore models, in order to enhance and to
  support models and metamodels at design time as well as at runtime.

  * Application of ontologies in model transformation: usage of ontologies and
  reasoning to automatically generate model transformations; validation of
  model transformations; use of reasoning in model transformation rules.

  * Reasoning and query languages for integrated models: development or
  integration of query languages able to retrieve objects of MOF-based models
  and OWL-based models; reasoning approaches or algorithms regarding both
  semantics of Description Logics semantics of and MOF-based models.

  * Integration of modeling standards and metamodeling of ontology
  technologies: integration approaches like aspect-oriented programming to
  weave modeling standards like MOF, Ecore, UML, OCL, ODM, and SWRL;
  development, improvement or integration of metamodels for ontology
  technologies, for example OWL, SWRL, F-Logic.

  * Ontology driven software development: ontology support to web service
  orchestration; software architectures and methodologies for developing
  semantic web services and agents; reuse of web service ontologies or
  application of reasoning in specifying execution logics of orchestration.

  * MDE tools using ontologies: implementations of MDE tools relying on
  ontologies or on reasoning services.

  * Semantic support to Domain Specific Languages: integration of metamodeling
  and ontologies in order to provide abstract syntax and formal semantics for

  * Ontology engineering with MDA/MDE techniques: application of MDA/MDE
  techniques in order to support ontology engineering activities like
  ontology pruning, ontology refactoring, or ontology measurement.

  * Ontology connectors to system models: methods and techniques for
  integrating ontology constructs like classes and properties with MOF-based
  constructs like classes, properties or operations.

  * Application of Ontologies in traceability and provenance: usage of model
  annotations, ontologies and reasoning in order to improve traceability between
  MOF-based models.


  * Full Papers: describe concrete contributions validated by
  appropriate evaluation. Full paper submissions must not exceed 15 pages.

  * Short Papers: comprehend research-in-progress, industrial experience and
  position papers. Short paper submissions does not exceed 6 pages.

  * Posters and Demos: authors are invited to submit a three-page paper
  describing tools involving ontologies in MDE.

All papers must be submitted online using the submission website
( Submissions must be in
PDF, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).


Final versions of accepted papers will be published electronically in the CEUR
Workshop Proceedings Series. Revised selected papers will be submitted to the
LNCS MoDELS Satellite Proceedings.


  * Fernando Silva Parreiras (DE), University of Koblenz-Landau
  * Jeff Z. Pan (GB), University of Aberdeen
  * Uwe Assmann (DE), Dresden University of Technology
  * Jakob Henriksson (DE), Dresden University of Technology


  * Alexander Paar (DE), University of Karlsruhe (TH)
  * Andreas Winter (DE), University of Mainz
  * Bernhard Rumpe (DE), Braunschweig University of Technology
  * Colin Atkinson (DE), University of Mannheim
  * Daniel Oberle (DE), SAP Research
  * Dragan Gasevic (CA), Simon Fraser University Surrey
  * Elisa F. Kendall (US), Sandpiper Software, Inc.
  * Gerd Wagner (DE), Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus
  * Gerti Kappel (AT), Vienna University of Technology
  * Giancarlo Guizzardi (IT), ISTC-CNR
  * Harald Kuehn (AT), BOC Information Systems GmbH
  * Holger Knublauch (US), TopQuadrant
  * Ken Baclawski (US), Northeastern University
  * Luis Ferreira Pires (NL), University of Twente
  * Peter Haase (DE), University of Karlsruhe (TH)
  * Phil Tetlow (GB), IBM Business Consulting Services
  * Saartje Brockmans (DE), Ontoprise
  * Steffen Staab (DE), University of Koblenz-Landau


Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any question regarding this

Fernando Silva Parreiras,



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