UAI 2017

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isA Event
Acronym UAI 2017
Title Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
Start date 2017/08/11
End date 2017/08/15
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The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) is one of the premier international conference on research related to knowledge representation, learning, and reasoning in the presence of uncertainty. UAI 2017 will be held in Sydney, on August 11-15, 2017.

The main conference will take place on August 12-14, with tutorials on August 11 and workshops on August 15. The conference will be located immediately after the ICML conference, to be held August 6-11, 2017 in Sydney, Australia. We solicit submission of papers which describe novel theories, methodology and applications related to knowledge representation, learning, and reasoning under uncertainty. A non-exclusive list of subject areas can be found here, and papers published at past conferences can be found here. We welcome submissions by authors who are new to the UAI conference, or on new and emerging topics. We encourage submissions on applications, especially those that inspire new methodologies or novel combinations of existing methodologies.

Submitted papers will be reviewed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact and clarity of writing. For papers that rely heavily on empirical evaluations, the experimental methods and results should be clear, well executed, and repeatable. Submissions that mark "applications" as the primary subject area will be reviewed according to appropriate criteria and by reviewers with appropriate backgrounds.

Important dates for authors

  • March 31st, 2017, 11:59 pm SST (Samoa Standard Time): Paper submission deadline
  • May 21st, 2017: Final day for author feedback.
  • June 12th, 2017: Author notification.
  • July 11th, 2017: Camera ready due.
  • August 11, 2017: Conference starts.

Note: Times and dates are in Samoa Standard Time (SST). Click here for a converter.

Paper Submission

Paper submission and reviewing will be handled electronically. Submissions should be formatted in the UAI format and papers (including figures and text) are limited to 9 pages in length. An additional 10th page is allowed containing only references. Optional submissions of supplementary materials are allowed. However, reviewers are under no obligation to look at the submitted supplementary materials, and will base their review primarily on the main paper. Authors should consult this website for full details regarding the paper preparation and submission guidelines.

Papers that are currently under review or have already been accepted or published in a refereed venue, including conferences and journals, may not be submitted. Papers that have appeared on non-peered reviewed websites (like arXiv) or that have been presented at workshops (i.e., venues that do not have a publication proceedings) do not violate the policy. Authors are strongly encouraged to make data and code publicly available when possible.

The review process is double blind. Please make sure that the submission does not disclose the author's identities or affiliation.

Reviewing Process

We will use the new OpenReview conference system (as opposed to CMT) to manage paper submission and the review process. The goal is to improve the quality of the overall reviewing process. By using OpenReview, authors can respond to public comments anytime, even before the official rebuttal period. Also, anyone on the PC can comment on submissions, and reviewers can leverage these much more public discussions to improve their understanding and rating of papers.

Submissions to UAI are uploaded on OpenReview, which enables a public discussion among the PC and the authors of a paper. Authors are encouraged to respond to concerns raised in the reviews as soon as these are posted and participate in the discussion about their paper. All responses made by the authors are anonymous. During the reviewing period, reviewers can post questions to the authors for papers assigned to them. Reviews are anonymous and publicly visible in OpenReview to the PC members. Authors should take advantage of the questions raised and answer them before the deadline for the full reviews. By May 14th, 2017, reviewers need to post their full review. Again, reviews are anonymous and publicly visible to all PC members. By May 21st, 2017, authors should submit their final response to reviews and/or comments posted by the reviewers. Responses are also anonymous. On June 12th, 2017, authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their paper. So, by March 31st, 2017, (11:59 pm SST - Samoa Standard Time) authors are asked to submit their paper to

Papers that are not accepted to the conference will be considered non-archival, and may be submitted elsewhere (modified or not), although the OpenReview site will maintain the reviews, the comments, and links to the versions submitted to UAI. Presentation and Publication

All accepted papers will be presented at the conference either as contributed talks or as posters, and will be published in the Conference Proceedings. At least one of the paper's authors should be present at the conference to present the work.

AIJ and JAIR Fast-Track

A selected set of top-rated papers may be nominated for fast track reviewing at participating journals, including the AI Journal (AIJ) and the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). Nominated authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their UAI-17 papers for fast-track consideration.

Program Chairs

  • Gal Elidan, Google Inc. and The Hebrew University, Israel
  • Kristian Kersting, TU Dortmund University, Germany

General Chairs

  • Alexander Ihler
  • University of California, Irvine, USA