VECON 2010
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | VECON 2010 |
Title | 1st International Workshop on Vehicular Communications and Networking |
Start date | 2010/10/12 |
End date | 2010/10/12 |
Homepage | |
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=============== Call For Papers ==================
1st International Workshop on Vehicular Communications and Networking
(VECON 2010)
in conjunction with the
6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing,
Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010)
Sheraton Fallsview Hotel and Conference Centre, Niagara-Falls, Canada, October 11-13, 2010.
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results and technical contributions on the field of Vehicular Communication Systems.
Receive our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.
Submission deadline: May 16, 2010 Notification of acceptance: July 16, 2010 Camera-ready manuscripts due: July 30, 2010 Workshop date: October 12, 2010
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting technical challenges, comprehensive in-depth tutorial surveys, standardization efforts and new research results related to the theory or practice of vehicular communications and networking. All submissions must be original contributions not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Overview of state-of-the-art of vehicular communication technologies, standards and open challenges - Architectures and protocols for VCS - Cooperative paradigms for vehicular communication protocols and safety applications - Communication and networking issues in safety-related applications - Channel access management and resource allocation procedures in VCS - Integration of IP protocols into the vehicular scenario - QoS and real-time support in VCS - Performance analysis for vehicular communications - Simulation issues of large-scale VCS and integration of traffic-network simulators - Mobility models and vehicle traffic models - Application scenarios for Intelligent Transportation Systems - Security, encryption and privacy for vehicular systems - Performance, scalability, reliability and efficiency of VCS - Human-machine interaction in safety-related applications - VCS support for enhanced navigation, fuel-efficiency and comfort applications - Networking issues including routing, addressing and transport layer in VCS - Cross-layer design and optimization for vehicular networks - Machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques for safety-related applications - Wireless sensor networks for VCS Physical layer aspects and propagation models - Data dissemination and delay-tolerant networking techniques for VCS - Real-world experiences and testbeds
Authors are kindly invited to submit their manuscripts through EDAS Conference Management System:
Manuscripts should be written in English and not exceed 8 pages (2 additional pages are possible at extra charge). They should be prepared according to IEEE submission guidelines:
After writing the manuscript (any of the templates available here can be used), it should be converted to .pdf and submitted in this format.
All submissions must be original contributions not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. All accepted papers will be included in the WiMob 2010 main conference proceedings and published by IEEE. Full conference registration will allow the authors of accepted papers to attend the main conference and any organized workshop. The workshop paper will need to have at least one author register at the FULL conference rate.
Workshop Chairs: Juan J. Alcaraz, UPCT, Spain Esteban Egea López, UPCT, Spain
Technical Program Committe: José María Barceló, UPC, Spain Xavier Perez-Costa, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany Christoph Mecklenbräuker, TU Wien, Austria Vicente Casares-Giner, UPV, Spain Vicent Pla, UPV, Spain Carlos Bernardos, UC3M, Spain Paolo Bellavista, Università di Bologna Pawel Kulakowski, AGH University, Poland Felipe García-Sanchez, UPCT, Spain Javier Vales-Alonso, UPCT, Spain Jacek Danda, AGH University, Poland
Best regards,
VECON 2010 Organizing Committee