WEM 2008
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Acronym | WEM 2008 |
Start date | Jul 13, 2008 |
End date | Jul 14, 2008 |
Homepage | enhancedmessagingworkshop.googlepages.com |
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=========== CALL FOR PAPERS ============ AAAI 2008 WORKSHOP ON ENHANCED MESSAGING Submissions due: April 7, 2008 WWW: http://enhancedmessagingworkshop.googlepages.com/ email: enhancedmessagingworkshop@gmail.com =========== CALL FOR PAPERS ============ Abstract: With the rise of the digital workplace, email has become a ubiquitous tool in the office and a primary means of communication. Email's growth has created new opportunities and challenges for a large variety of artificial intelligence research, focusing an increasing amount of academic and industrial research on email issues. Research seeks to enhance the email user experience by addressing email overload or to learn from email social patterns. Recent papers have dealt with email triage, activity management, email prioritization, summarization, topic tracking, sorting, leak detection, social network analysis, and enhanced intelligent interfaces. The Workshop on Enhanced Messaging at AAAI 2008 brings together researchers working on solutions for email and other forms of web messaging from many subfields of AI as well as soliciting participation from the broader community. Workshop Goals: * Bring together a wide spectrum of researchers working on email and other messaging technologies. * Present new and novel areas of research on important problems in the field. * Encourage research that brings together multi-disciplinary techniques. * Facilitate discussion between participants on significant challenges in messaging research. * Highlight new research and production messaging systems that employ novel research technologies. * Set a multi-year agenda of important research goals for the field. Topics of Interest: * User Studies: email in the workplace, usage patterns, behaviors, email triage, overload * User Interfaces: visualizations, messaging in support of user activities, mashups, personal information management (PIM) * Information Retrieval: message and thread summarization, search, expert finding * Machine Learning and Data Mining: applications of ML/DM to email, including information extraction, clustering, entity disambiguation, feature selection and dimensionality reduction for message classification * Message Organization: automatic foldering, categorization, advanced calendaring and scheduling, activity management and discovery * Social Networks: relationship modeling, network analysis, group and role discovery, online communities, people tagging * Natural Language Processing: applications of NLP technologies to email, message understanding, topic detection and tracking, sentiment/discourse/opinion analysis, dialog analysis, topic modeling * Messaging Interactions on the Web: instant messaging (SMS), RSS feeds, blogging, tagging Authors are invited to submit papers on these topics and we especially encourage cross-disciplinary work. We welcome three different submission types. Full Papers (6 pages) - A full paper describes mature work, which may already have been published in previous conferences. A selected number of these papers will be selected for oral presentation during the main workshop session. All accepted papers will be included in the workshop poster session. Extended Abstracts (2 pages) - These papers describe new and preliminary work. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop poster session. Demonstration Papers (2 pages) - Since the goal of this research is to develop novel and interesting applications, we encourage submissions describing demonstration systems. Authors of accepted demonstration papers should expect to demonstrate their system during the workshop poster session. All questions regarding the workshop should be directed to enhancedmessagingworkshop@gmail.com. Important Dates: * Submissions Due: April 7, 2008 * Notifications: April 21, 2008 * Final Papers Due: May 5, 2008 * Workshop: July 13 or 14, 2008 (TBA) in Chicago at AAAI 2008 Organizing Committee: Vitor R. Carvalho, Carnegie Mellon University Mark Dredze, University of Pennsylvania Tessa Lau, IBM Almaden Research Center Program Committee: Paul N. Bennett, Microsoft Research William Cohen, Carnegie Mellon University Gabor Cselle, Xobni Corp Aron Culotta, University of Massachusetts Laura Dabbish, Carnegie Mellon University Jacek Gwizdka, Rutgers University Jon Herlocker, Pi Corporation and Oregon State University Nicholas Kushmerick, QL2 Software, Inc. Andrew Lampert, CSIRO ICT Centre and Macquarie University David R. Millen, IBM TJ Watson Research Center Simone Stumpf, White Horse Fernanda B. Viegas, IBM TJ Watson Research Center Martin Wattenberg, IBM TJ Watson Research Center Steve Whittaker, Sheffield University
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