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isA Event
Acronym WIKISYM 2012
Title 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
Start date 2012/08/27
End date 2012/08/29
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We are pleased to welcome you to the 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration. This symposium has been a gathering place for those interested in how we can use technologies like Wikis to support, develop, and change collaboration and collective action.

Wikisym is a leading conference in understanding how individuals, groups, organizations and society can use information and communication technology to enable novel and meaningful collaboration and collective action. Researchers and practitioners from all over the world have gathered together in these meetings to discuss and display their insights into this important area of inquiry. WikiSym 2012 is pleased to be collocated with Ars Electronica this year. Ars Electronica is an annual festival that has been occurring since 1979 and helps explore the intersection of art and technology

The International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym) is the premier conference on open collaboration and related technologies. In 2012, WikiSym celebrates its 8th year of scholarly, technical and community innovation in Linz, Austria. We are excited this year to be collocated with Ars Electronica, the premier digital art and science meeting that attracts over 35,000 attendees per year.


Topics appropriate for submissions include all aspects of the people, tools, contexts, and content that comprise open collaboration systems. For example:

  • Collaboration tools and processes
  • Social and cultural aspects of collaboration
  • Collaboration beyond text: images, video, sound, etc.
  • Communities and workgroups
  • Knowledge and information production
  • New media literacies
  • Uses and impact of wikis and other open resources, tools, and practices in fields and application areas, for example:
  • Open source software development and use
  • Education and Open Educational Resources
  • E-government, open government, and public policy
  • Law/Intellectual Property (including Creative Commons)
  • Journalism (including participatory journalism)
  • Art and Entertainment (including collaborative and audience-involved art)
  • Science (including collaboratories)
  • Publishing (including open access and open review models)
  • Business (including open and collaborative management styles)

This conference belongs additionally to the series Ars Electronica 2012