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isA Event
Acronym WIMUCS 2010
Title 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Computing and Security Services
Start date 2010/08/11
End date 2010/08/13
Homepage wimucs2010.99k.org
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WIMUCS 2010 is focused on the challenges and solutions for wireless computing with emphasis on forthcoming multimedia applications and security services. The workshop is intended to encourage cooperation among academicians and researchers in secure wireless multimedia systems (WMS), and push the theoretical and practical research forward for a deeper understanding in wireless multimedia computing (WMC) and security services.


- Multimedia indexing, processing and retrieval for WMC

- Data mining applications for WMC

- Content-aware multimedia distribution for WMC

- Multimedia multicasting in WMC

- QoS management in WMS

- Multimedia and multimodal interaction models in WMC

- Novel wireless and mobile multimedia applications and services

- Emerging standards, protocols and technologies for WMC

- Security, privacy, and cryptographic protocols for WMC

- Network security issues and protocols in WMC

- Authentication, identity management in WMS

- Intrusion detection and prevention in WMS

- Content protection and digital rights management for WMS

- Trusted computing in WMS

- Information hiding and watermarking in WMS

- Network forensics and fraud detection for WMS

Paper Submissions

Authors should submit full paper with 6 pages and short paper with 4 pages by using Online systems for review. Please use IEEE paper format.

Important Dates

- Full Paper Due: March 10, 2010

- Notification of Acceptance: April 10, 2010

- Final Camera-Ready Due: April 24, 2010

- Workshop Date: August 11-13, 2010


  • Steering Chair

- Jong Hyuk Park, Seoul National Univ of Tech, Korea

  • Workshop Chairs

- Binod Vaidya, Inst of Telecom, Portugal

- ByungRae Cha, GIST, Korea

- Joel Rodrigues, IT, Univ of Beira Interior, Portugal

  • International Advisory Committee

- Mieso Denko, Univ of Guelph, Canada

- Pascal Lorenz, Univ of Haute Alsace, France

- Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Central Police Univ, Taiwan

  • Publicity Chair

- James Chang Wu Yu, Chung Hua Univ, Taiwan

  • Technical Program Committee Members

- Binod Vaidya, Inst of Telecom, Portugal

- ByungRae Cha, GIST, Korea

- Joel Rodrigues, Inst. of Telecom/UBI, Portugal

- James Chang Wu Yu, Chung Hua Univ, Taiwan

- Jorge Sa Silva, Univ of Coimbra, Portugal

- Justin Zhan, Carnegie Mellon Univ, USA

- Ning Zhang, Univ of Manchester, UK

- Shiguo Lian, France Telecom R & D Beijing, China

- Yafei Yang, Qualcomm Inc., USA

- Ved P. Kafle, NICT, Japan

- Liang Zhou, ENSTA-ParisTech, France

- Farid Farahmand, Sonoma State Univ, USA

- Jinjun Chen, Swinburne Univ of Technology, Australia

- Robert Biuk-Aghai, Univ of Macau, Macao SAR

- Lei Shu, Osaka Univ, Japan


The workshop proceedings will be published as part of the EMC-10 conference proceedings published in IEEE. The selected outstanding papers accepted and presented in EMC-10 including WIMUCS 2010, after further revisions, will be published in special issues of SCI/E Journals (MTAP, JoS, JIT, TECS, IJITCC, IJAMC).


For further information regarding WIMUCS 2010 and paper submission, please contact at wimucs2010@gmail.com