WISES 2008
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | WISES 2008 |
Title | Sixth International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems |
Start date | Jul 10, 2008 |
End date | Jul 11, 2008 |
Homepage | fbim.fh-regensburg.de/~wises08 |
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Embedded systems have an increasing importance in our everyday lives. They run our cars and telephones, and production lines and aircraft. The growing complexity of embedded systems and the emerging trend to interconnections between them lead to new challenges. Intelligent solutions are necessary to overcome these challenges and to provide reliable and secure systems to the customer under a strict time and financial budget. WISES 2008 is a platform for presentation of innovative approaches that provide intelligent solutions in embedded systems. The objective of this workshop is to present mature approaches and to provide a forum for the exchange and discussion of ideas, and thus, the sharing of experiences among researchers, practitioners, and application developers both from industry and academia. Original papers addressing both theoretical and practical aspects of embedded systems are solicited. Papers describing prototype implementations and deployments of embedded systems are particularly welcome. In order to provide young researchers a forum to exchange their ideas WISES 2008 will include a special session for PhD-Students. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Smart embedded (real-time) systems * Autonomous embedded systems * Sensor networks and sensor node hardware/software platforms * Software for embedded systems * Topology control and time synchronization * Error tolerance, security and robustness * Network protocols and middleware for embedded systems * Standardisation of embedded software components * Data gathering, aggregation and dissemination * Prototypes, applications, field studies, and testbeds mportant Deadlines Manuscript Submission Final Deadline: March 28th, 2008 EXTENDED ! Notification of Acceptance: April 18th, 2008 Pre-Registration: May 16th, 2008 Camera-Ready Paper Submission: May 16th, 2008 Workshop: July 10/11th, 2008
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