WWW DevTrack 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym WWW DevTrack 2009
Title WWW 2009 Developers Track
Start date Apr 20, 2009
End date Apr 24, 2009
Homepage www2009.org/calls/devtrack.html
... ...

=== ABOUT ===

The Developers Track at the WWW conference focuses on the
general WWW development community. Participants are invited
to present new trends and interesting ideas, code and APIs
of applications, platforms and emerging standards.
Demonstrations of technical "nitty-gritty" are strongly
encouraged. It is an ideal venue for short reports of both
industry and academic technical works.

Starting this year, the proceedings of the Developers Track
will be published online, where the authors of the accepted
works will have the option to publish a 3-page report.

Focus areas include, but are not limited to:
 + Browsers and Plugins
 + Web Metrics
 + Health, Science and Education
 + Web Social Impact
 + Information Integration and Mash-ups
 + Web Software and Tools
 + Information Mining and Reporting
 + Mobile Web Applications
 + Monetization
 + Multimedia
 + Scalable System and Cloud Computing
 + Search Applications
 + Security
 + Semantic Web
 + Social Network
 + Standards and Protocols
 + User Interface.

=== Submission ===

Submission deadline: February 2nd , 2009
Notification date: March 13th, 2009

Presentations can be submitted in one of the following two
formats (we will enforce page limit this time):
  * Paper: should not exceed 2 pages when formatted
    according to the general submission guideline at
    http://www2009.org/submission.html, with 1 optional
    page for screen-shots.
  * Slides: should not exceed 15 slides, including
    screen-shots, if any.

Authors are encouraged to provide links to video and/or
URLs for the code/demo within their submission. Both HTML
and PDF formats are accepted.

For more details: http://www2009.org/calls/devtrack.html
Inquiries can be sent to: developers-www2009 at dit.upm.es.

=== Program Committee ===

Program Co-Chairs:
  Raoul-Sam Daruwala, Google (USA)
  Cong Yu, Yahoo! Research (USA)

Program Committee:
  Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
  Srikanta Bedathur, Max-Plank (Germany)
  Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, UIUC (USA)
  Isabel Drost, Apache/Neofonie GmbH (Germany)
  Ariel Fuxman, Microsoft Search Labs (USA)
  Lee Giles, Penn State (USA)
  Sharad Goel, Yahoo! Research New York (USA)
  Richard Hankins, NEC Research (USA)
  Jeff Korn, Google (USA)
  Chris Mattmann, JPL (USA)
  Charles McCathieNevile, Opera (Spain)
  Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research Barcelona (Spain)
  Stelios Paparizos, Microsoft Search Labs (USA)
  Eugene Shekita, IBM Almaden (USA)
  Jimeng Sun, IBM Watson (USA)
  Jian Shuo Wang, Kijiji (China)
  Aoying Zhou, Fudan University, East China Normal University (China)
  Ding Zhou, Facebook (USA)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP