Wikis4SE 09
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | Wikis4SE 09 |
Title | 4th Workshop on Wikis for Software Engineering |
Start date | 2009/05/16 |
End date | 2009/05/16 |
Homepage | |
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Fourth Workshop on "Wikis for Software Engineering" May 16, 2009
- at ICSE 2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering
- Vancouver, Canada
- May 16-24, 2009
The use of wikis in software engineering dates back to 1995, when Ward Cunningham created the first ever wiki as a platform for discussing patterns and software development efforts. The simplicity and effectiveness of wikis as a medium for collaborative authoring has lead to their vast popularity across many domains.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts interested in exploring the potential of wikis as an effective tool to support software engineering activities. Specifically, it is an opportunity to:
- Learn from the knowledge and experience gained in using wikis for software engineering.
- Identify benefits and best practices.
- Identify limitations and challenges.
- Develop an agenda for future research and development to advance the state of the art.
- Initiate new collaborations between researchers and practitioners.
Examples of relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Experience
- Reports on experiences in using wikis to support software engineering
- Wikis in software engineering educational settings
- Practices and tips you would like to share
- Evaluation of specific wiki implementations and features
- Integration
- Integration of wikis with software engineering tools (IDEs, analysis, modeling, Q&A, configuration management, etc.)
- Wikis as front-ends or as actual knowledge management platforms in software projects
- Wikis as plugins to software engineering tools
- Wikis as mashups for software artifacts and tools
- Wikis as collaboration tools in global software development
- Wikis as social tools for software project communities
- Wikis as tools for agile software development
- Extensions and tools
- Wiki engines with specialized support for software projects
- Specific markup languages for software development
- Tools based on wiki principles
- Mechanisms for preserving the semantic connection between wikis and software artifacts
You are invited to submit a position paper, research paper or experience report as a PDF file of no more than 11 pages. and formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines, as defined for ICSE'2009:
Submissions will be reviewed by at least 3 PC members, for quality and relevance,
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries under Wikis4SE 2009 Workshop Proceedings as part of the ICSE 2009 Workshop publications. ICSE will make the formal proceedings available on an ICSE memory stick.
We are interested in a lively debate. If you're attending ICSE 2009 but didn't submit a paper, you're also invited to join the workshop.
Submissions should be sent to
The first part of the workshop will consist of short paper presentations. The second part will be used for workgroup discussion sessions. A detailed agenda will be posted to
- Submission deadline: January 26 (abstract), February 2 (paper)
- Notification of acceptance: February 9
- Camera-ready: February 16
- Workshop date: May 16
- Ademar Aguiar - INESC Porto, FEUP/DEI, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
- Uri Dekel - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Paulo Merson - Software Engineering Institute, USA