XP 2011

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Start date May 10, 2011
End date May 13, 2011
Homepage http://xp2011.org/
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The 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP2011, is a leading international conference on agile methods in software and information systems development. XP2011 will be hosted by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid, UPM), in Spain. The conference brings together both industrial practitioners and researchers in the fields of information systems and software development, and examines latest theory, practical applications, and implications of agile methods.

XP2011 solicits high quality submissions describing original and unpublished results.Papers will be evaluated according to originality, relevance, significance, precision, correctness, clarity, and presentation. Research papers should describe innovative and significant work within one or more of the conference topics listed.

The papers should be readable for a scientific and industrial audience, and support claims with appropriately described evidence and/or references to relevant literature.The topics of interest in the conference include, but are not restricted to, the following:

   * Adoption and diffusion of agile methods

   * Implementing agility in global software development

   * Agile Offshore and Agile Software Factories

   * Empirical studies and experiences of agile methods

   * Tools and techniques for agile development

   * Social and human aspects of agile methods

   * Organizational agility

   * SOA based systems and agile development

   * Measurement and metrics for agile projects and enterprise

   * XP evolution, new XP trends or XP proposals of update

   * Agile for IT Development

   * Agility in systems engineering and safety critical systems

   * Software and systems architecture in an agile environment

   * Legacy systems and agility

   * Agile usability

   * Management and governance aspects of agile methods

   * Implications of agile methods for industrial practice

   * Foundations and conceptual studies of agile methods

   * Implications of agile methods for research and education

The XP2011 conference proceedings will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). Proceedings will include research papers, experience reports,posters contributions, and PhD symposium. Authors should follow the guidelines in “Instructions for LNBIP Authors” on Springer website

http://www.springer.com/series/7911 when preparing their manuscripts.

Best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special section of leading journals. In addition, IEEE Software’s Selection Award will be chosen among the best research and industry papers (a one page summary/news item will be printed in the magazine).

If accepted, the paper must be personally presented at the XP 2011 Conference by the author or one of the co-authors. The presenting author(s) must pre-register for the conference before the due date of the camera-ready paper.

Submissions for Industrial Experiencies, Posters, Demonstrations, Doctoral Symposium, Lightning Talks, Workshops and Tutorials

The submission details for the Industrial Experiencies, Posters, Demonstrations, Doctoral Symposium, Lightning Talks, Workshops and Tutorials will be available on the conference website (http://xp2011.org).