ZAFIN 2009
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ZAFIN 2009 |
Title | 10th International Conference in the series of "Firms' Financial Management Theory and Practice" |
Start date | 2009/05/18 |
End date | 2009/05/20 |
Homepage | |
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10th International Conference in the series of "Firms' Financial Management Theory and Practice" "zafin2009"
zafin2009: Xth International Conference in the series of "Firms' Financial Management Theory and Practice" will take place on 18th 20th of May 2009 in Wroclaw We invite researchers and practitioners, whose fields of interests encompass the following issues: Value Based Management Investment Decisions of Companies Financial Decisions of Companies Liquidity Management in Company Risk Management in Company International Finance in Companies' Management Real Estate - Financing and Management Public Finance Corporate Finance in the Aspect of Integration with European Union
Conference venue
This year the conference will take place in Wroclaw, the capital of Lower Silesia region in Poland in Pension of John Paul the Second a four star hotel. Conference venue is located in historical part of the city center, at Ostrow Tumski, in the close neighborhood of Botanic Garden. All conference rooms are air conditioned and equipped in multimedia sets.
Contact information
Wroclaw University of Economics Komandorska 118/120 53-345 Wrocław POLAND Ph./Fax: +48 71 3680-646 ph.: +48 71 3680 887 Ms. Karolina Daszynska-Zygadlo - Chair of Organizing Committee e-mail: karolina.zygadlo(at) e-mail: zafin(at)
Conference fee details
Full conference fee - 1 150 PLN (1USD is about 2.8 PLN) - covers costs of publishing, conference materials, full board and accommodation and accompanying events Lower conference fee - 900 PLN - covers everything as full conference fee except for accommodation and breakfasts in the hotel Publishing fee - 700 PLN - covers only costs of publishing and paper copy of conference materials.
Deadline for fee payment is
1st of April 2009. Please send the confirmation of payment by fax to the conference office: +48 71 3680 646. The invoice will be issued right after bank transfer confirmation.
Conference account
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. 17 Oddzial we Wroclawiu PL 07 1090 2529 0000 0006 3400 0503 SWIFT: WBKPPLPPAXXX subject of payment: ZAFIN 09, name of the participant